Hello hello,
Sorry I have been a little bit absent, I was just in a rut and did not know what to blog about! I’ve always been a little hesitant to write up this post because I don’t have the most perfect skin. I am still searching for those magical products that do the trick, but I’m not too sure whether I’ll ever find them. In the meantime, these are the current products that I am using on my skin at the moment. To be totally honest with you, I am not completely happy with them all. You will notice that I use a lot of different products, and perhaps that could be my problem! I have oily/combination skin and these are the products that I am currently using. You may notice that you use some of these as well, or perhaps you’ve used them before and they didn’t work for you. I’m just posting these because I love to know what other people are using, so thought you might be curious as well.
To start with, my basic three-step routine:
T.N. Dickinson's Toner and Cetaphil cleanser. |
I use this cleanser twice a day, morning and night. I have tried numerous different products from all different brands, and I am quite happy with this one I am currently using. It is the Cetaphil Oily Skin Cleanser. This product was actually recommended to me by a doctor a few years ago. I used it back then, but then for some strange reason I stopped. Then a month or so ago my friend Lauren posted her skin care secrets on her blog and I noticed that she used this cleanser, so I decided to give it another shot.
I have been a bit funny with toners over the years, and I know that they are the sort of product that some people say you need to use and others say you don’t. I for one benefit from using a toner, particularly because of my oily/combination skin type. The toner that I am currently using is T.N. Dickinson’s All Natural Witch Hazel toner. This is another product that Lauren recommended, and something I really like about it is that it is all natural! Your skin will probably love you a whole lot more if you stick to more natural products rather than those filled with chemicals. I do have to admit that I’m not a massive fan of the way it smells, but as a toner, it is great!
Innoxa moisturiser, Re-gen cream, Garnier dark spot corrector. |
For starters, let me just break the myth that people with oily skin shouldn’t moisturise! You definitely still need to moisturise, no matter what your skin type is! You will recognise my moisturiser as it featured in my April favourites post. It is the Innoxa Skin Clear Anti-shine Blemish Control Lotion. I do quite like this moisturiser, and I only use it in the morning because it contains SPF 15 and there isn’t much point of wearing sunscreen at night. Plus this moisturiser is a little too heavy for nighttime, I think. Basically I just really like this product and I love the way my foundation applies on top of it, plus my skin is a fan of it as well!
At night time, when I am not using my Innoxa moisturiser, I am either using my Re-gen cream or my Garnier Dark Spot Corrector (you can read a review of it here). I do quite like both of these products because they aim to correct dark spots caused by blemishes. Neither product has done a miracle working job, but I have noticed a difference, it just takes a while.
The next three products are the little extra things that I use on my skin to help keep it happy and as clear as possible.
Alpha H liquid gold, Formula 10.0.6 mud mask, The Body Shop lotion. |
Spot Treatment
I use The Body Shop Tea Tree Skin Clearing Lotion on those bad days when I break out terribly. Tea tree is a natural antibacterial which helps to soothe and clear breakouts. This isn’t the most hands-down amazing product ever, but it is pretty good. I will generally use this at night time and my skin normally looks a bit better the next morning.
Liquid Gold
I do admit to jumping on the Alpha H Liquid Gold bandwagon. I was a bit hesitant to spend more than $40 on this, but in the end I did. To be honest with you, it hasn’t worked wonders for me just yet, but as products normally take a long time to actually work on my skin, I haven’t given up hope just yet. After a few more months of using it I will write a proper review on it to let you all know what I thought. For now, I will continue to use it every other night, and pray that it does work a miracle on me like it does for everyone else!
Face Mask
This product also featured in my April favourites post and it is probably my most favourite skin care product out of all the ones I use. It is the Formula 10.0.6 Deep Down Detox mud mask. As you would have read in my previous post I honestly love everything about this product. Whenever I’m feeling stressed or my skin is particularly bad, or I just want to treat myself, I pop this face mask on and let it work it’s magic. This product truly lives up to all that it claims to do and that is why I love using it so much. My skin always looks so much brighter, clearer, happier after every use. If there was one product I would really recommend buying it would be this one!
So they are all the products I use on my skin, but here are some extra things I use as well to aid in reaching the goal of clear skin.
Lemon water and Twinings green tea. |
Lemon Water
It’s no secret that if you drink the recommended amount of water your skin will look nicer, so I like to do that bit extra and add lemon to my water. This makes the water high in antioxidants as well as so good for your health in many other areas. It improves weight loss, boosts immunity, helps your body absorb calcium, clears your skin, works as an antiseptic, cleanses and stimulates the liver and kidneys, and many more! Just go and google it and loads of results will come up. Plus, water can sometimes just get a little bit boring, so putting lemon in it makes it more exciting! I always notice such a difference in my skin when I’m drinking lemon water on a regular basis.
Green Tea
This is my second little skin care secret. Green tea has so many positive health benefits so you should drink it no matter what state your skin is in. As for me, drinking green tea is almost crucial and I really should drink more of it. I try to have at least one cup a day, but a lot of days I forget (whoops). Though when I do remember and consistently do it, I notice such a difference in my skin. Sometimes it really helps to work from the inside out, rather than always the outside in.
Trust me when I say that I am no healthcare professional, I have just learnt some things over the years. That is why I have shared my current products and other little tips with you. I hope and pray that one day I will have full control over my skin and it will really love me, but until then. I hope that you’ve either learnt something new or are inspired to try a new product after reading through this post. Let me know in the comments down below what products you use and what has and hasn’t worked for you, or any other tips and tricks you’d like to share.
Much love.