Just recently I have seen quite a few reflective style posts floating around, and as I have been feeling quite nostalgic lately, I thought why not join the club and write one too!
I briefly spoke about progress I've made in my anxiety blog post (you can read that here) so I won't babble on about that too much, except I'll say that time and perspective work wonders. I know it seems like you may never see progress, never reach goals, never actually feel happy, but you will get there. If there's one thing I know, you need to speak positivity over yourself, even though it may be hard, you need to fight back and actually desire to win this battle!
It's been a year since I graduated school, so I've been quite reflective lately, and as we are well and truly more than halfway through 2013 I thought I'd share some photos with you which bring back many memories for me.
For me, 2013 started off not that wonderful, and the first half of the year wasn't all that exciting and amazing, but once I worked on myself more and got out of my shell a little, amazing things started happening. I just said yes! (Thanks Zoe).
Looking back over the past year I'm filled with mixed feelings. There are things that I would leave the same, but there are also things that I would love to change. Though when I think about it, it's because of those things - the good and the bad - that I am who I am today. It all happened for a reason and I just need to accept that and move on. Which is what I have spent most of this year doing! Some lessons that I have learnt along this journey are: to not say yes to something unless I'm sure I want it, if my gut is saying no, then so should I. That I am beautiful, and that positivity really goes a long way. That confidence is a good thing, and it is buried deep inside all of us. And even though I have anxiety, I don't need to let it rule my life.
Of course, there are probably loads more things that I have learnt along the way, but these are the main ones that really stand out to me, and have really played a part in moulding me into who I am right now.
I think change is inevitable, but we can develop new ways of adapting to and dealing with it. It will be a little scary, but that doesn't necessarily mean it will be bad. I'm already so excited to write my blog post at the end of the year reflecting on this year as a whole! But for now, enjoy a lot of photos from the past year or so. This is quite a personal post, but I just felt like sharing some memories with you. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this little stroll down memory lane.
Study Camp 2012 / Our last school camp. |
My 18th birthday party (2012) with some of my best friends. |
Left: Free Boost with my besties! Right: Some lovelies who mean so much to me. |
School formal 2012. Oh, there are so many things I would change about that night. |
Left: Some friends and I after we sat our final exam. Right: My cousin and I at the beach last Summer. |
These are two girls who mean the world to me! |
Fun and florals at Colour Conference 2013. |
Dress up party aka an excuse to wear cat ears like Taylor Swift! |
My brother and I after VIVID. He means so much to me. |
Melbourne...One day i'll visit again and have the most wonderful time. |
These girls are golden and I'm so thankful they came into my life this year. |
Exploring the city / Feeling free / Feeling excited about the future. |
These girls are seriously so incredible and I am filled with joy doing life with them! |
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