Tuesday, 4 October 2016

The Countdown is On!

Sooooo I leave for England in 48 days! How crazy. I apologise that I haven't been doing much blogging at all this year, I really need to try and get out of the rut that I've been in this whole time. Today I'm doing another brief update style of post in order to try and get back into the swing on blogging again, and from here on I'll try to make the posts more regular - and more interesting! I have been uploading some videos on my YouTube channel though, so you can go and check that out here! 

The countdown is well and truly on for my departure and I can't contain my excitement. While there are some things that make me sad and I know that I'll miss home while I'm gone, I'm so overwhelmed with all the great and exciting reasons for going that I can't stay sad or worried for long. My dream of visiting England is finally coming true. I'll try not to babble on about this for too long, because that's what I talked about in my last post. 

Something that I want to quickly touch on in this post is that I've been in such a spiritual rut lately. My faith had lost its fire and love and pure excitement for a few months and it was incredibly difficult to get it back. However, last week things finally changed for the better. I met up with and had lunch with one of my beautiful friends and she answered my questions and stilled my worries and concerns and just reassured me that everything I was feeling was completely normal. She spoke life into me and encouraged me and inspired me with her story and it was so refreshing and much-needed for my soul! After that I came home and discovered the incredible Gabriel Conte and Jess Bauer on YouTube and my life is now so much better because of it. I was so desperate for a good Christian couple to be encouraged and inspired by - and then I found Gabe and Jess. They have been such an answer to my prayers and I wish I had discovered them sooner. 

So I say all of that to say that things are better. They're more hopeful and happy and I'm overjoyed about all that is to come. I'll keep todays little post short and sweet, so that's pretty much all that I have to say. I also just want to encourage you that beautiful things are coming your way, and happiness is all around. I know that sometimes it's hard to feel hopeful, but try not to give up along the way to greatness. 

Love, S.

Image: Tumblr 

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