Wednesday 8 April 2015

I'm Starting Somewhere...

Good evening lovely people who are taking the time to read this! I do hope you've had a wonderful day.

This post is going to be different from what I usually feature here on 'Sam Indigo'. It's a step forward in a direction I've wanted to take for quite some time now. I've let myself hold me back from writing this post and putting this into motion, but tonight I stumbled across something that made me open up blogger and begin typing. To explain, I've wanted to take my little blog, Sam Indigo, in a bit of a different direction for a while now. When I say a different direction, I don't mean completely changing everything, I just mean adding a few little things to make it more personal. I've been writing this blog since December 2012, almost 2 and a half years, and it's been filled with all things relating to beauty, a bit of fashion, and a splash of lifestyle here and there. I have loved the journey so far, but have grown bored with my content lately, which is why there has been a lack of consistent posts over the past few months (sorry about that!). 

When I sat down and thought about all the things I loved about other peoples blogs, something in particular stood out. I loved seeing them in their blogs. Their creativity, their individuality, their voice. I loved reading their posts because it felt so personal and so exciting to see what they had been getting up to. I felt inspired by them and knew I had to make a change. This little post is basically just to say that this change is coming here on Sam Indigo. This year, 2015, is the year where I start to incorporate more personal posts into the usual beauty, fashion and lifestyle that already fills my blog. That might include a post filled with random thoughts on a particular topic, a snippet of my weekend and things I'd been up to, or just my brain spilling onto the pages in whatever form that might take. This change starts now. 

Don't worry, nothing is going to change too drastically or anything. Honestly, you probably won't even really notice, but I wanted to write this post just to fill you in anyway. Not only is this post for you, it's also for me. I'm hoping that since I've written this and published it, it will hold me accountable to bring these changes to life. I want you guys to know me. Not just what makeup products I'm loving or what new things I bought, but actually know a little bit more about me as a person. There came a point where I was trying to think of how to make 'Sam Indigo' stand out among the rest - and then it hit me. Put as much of myself into it as I can, because I am the only me on this earth. Therefore the things which I produce are unique, because I am unique. My plan is to put myself into this blog more so than ever before, because that's how it is made different from all the others. Nobody can write a blog exactly how I will write a blog, we're all going to bring something new to the table. 

So there you have it! I hope this rambly post made some sort of sense and that you're excited for the journey that's ahead. I know I am. 

Image source: Tumblr


  1. Yay! It's great to get excited about blogging again! Can't wait to see what you come up with =)
    xox Kat @ Katness

    1. thank you! I'm very excited about seeing where this leads xx


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