Friday 7 June 2013

Welcome to the YouTube Journey

Hello hello,

At the end of my April Favourites blog post (you can see it here) I said that for my May Favourites I would try to make a YouTube video instead of just the written post. And I did! It took me a whole day to plan, film, edit, and upload the video but it is finally live on YouTube. My channel is called samindigo13 and my first ever video is now up there (you can see it here). YouTube has so kindly selected a shocking thumbnail for the video, but oh well. I'm still learning about all this stuff, so please be kind. 

I just thought I would share it on here as well so that you can all go and see what I've been loving through May, and feel free to leave any comments, particularly advice if you have any! 

Another blog post of mine is in the works and should be up sometime within the next week. I'm excited to embark on this new YouTube adventure, and I hope to meet some really lovely people and make loads of new friends along the way! 

Much love xxx


  1. Hey Sam! As a fellow YouTuber, thought you should know that after you upload a certain number of videos (and get small sub numbers) YouTube gives you the ability to do things like upload a custom thumbnail, upload longer videos, and run ads if you see fit. I've just subscribed, and I thought you should know that your first video's very good! Very well done! Not the kind of thing I'm interested in (obviously) but quite professional. Keeping them a bit shorter and maybe adding some generic background music may make them a little better, though I'm sure you'll improve steadily as you record and upload more :)

    Hope you're having a great day!

    1. Lachlan! Hello :) I was not aware of that, but thank you for filling me in. Now I know there is light at the end of the tunnel! Thank you for subscribing even though it's obviously not the sort of channel you would be interested in, I shall return the favour. Thank you so much, that really means a lot. I'm so new to the world of video making so hopefully I pick things up quickly, but your advice has really helped and I'll keep it all in mind when making my next video.
      I hope you're having a wonderful day as well :)


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